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Prayer mat

Prayer mat

Regular price $7.50 USD
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The Islamic prayer rug, also known as "sajjadah" in Arabic, is a sacred and symbolic object used by Muslims around the world as part of their religious practices. Typically rectangular, this rug is designed with attention to artistic detail and can be made from a variety of materials such as wool, cotton, or polyester.

The Islamic prayer mat is not only a physical support for the act of prayer, but it also has deep spiritual meaning. Often adorned with artistic motifs and Islamic symbols, it provides a dedicated space for believers to prostrate and connect spiritually with Allah. The prayer mat acts as an interface between the worshiper and the divine, creating an environment conducive to concentration and meditation during times of daily prayer.

Compact and easily transportable, the prayer rug often accompanies Muslims on their travels, thus emphasizing the importance of prayer in daily life. It embodies devotion, modesty and respect towards the sacred ritual of Islamic prayer. In short, the Islamic prayer rug is much more than just a physical accessory; it is a powerful symbol of faith and spiritual connection for believers.

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